【DevOpsDays Tokyo 2020:新型コロナウイルスへの対応について】
DevOpsDays Tokyo実行委員一同としましては、ご来場いただく皆様の安全の確保と、
【DevOpsDays Tokyo 2020: COVID-19 Measures】
We are very disappointed to let you know that DevOpsDays Tokyo has been cancelled.
This event meant a lot to so many of us, and the organizing committee didn't take the decision lightly. We all struggled greatly with deciding how to proceed, but since nearly all March events in Japan have already been cancelled, and many other April events are starting to cancel, we were not confident that we could host a safe event in this atmosphere.
Safety is obviously very important, but there is also a ton of anxiety about things not getting better soon (or getting worse). If nothing else, we hope this descision will ultimately relieve many speakers, attendees, sponsors, etc. from worrying about the safety of the event, feeling obligated to attend, etc.
As far as refunds are concerned, please keep in mind that DevOpsDays Tokyo is a nonprofit organization, run by volunteers, and we do have a lot of financial obligations, including a sizable venue fee and prepaid travel for overseas speakers. We are seeking out financing options to ensure that we can meet all these obligations, and sponsor and ticket refunds.
Please stay tuned, we'll contact everyone about it soon.
In any case, the show will go on next year, and we really hope you'll be able to join us then. DevOps and modern software development are very so important to introduce to Japan, and we aren't giving up on that mission.
概要 / The Conference
Two Days of Powerful Talks
DevOpsDays は世界中で開催されているカンファレンスです。ソフトウェア開発、ITインフラ運用、そしてその境界線上にあるトピックをカバーし、特にDevOpsを実現するための自動化、テスト、セキュリティ、組織文化にフォーカスします。
DevOpsDays Tokyo is a community conference that focuses on topics surrounding software development and IT operations, including automation, testing, security, and organizational culture.
Overseas and local speakers will share their experiences with DevOps transformations, both in Japan and abroad. With content in both Japanese and English, as well as simultaneous translation, all attendees will be able learn the latest in DevOps trends and practices from around the world, and how to properly introduce them in their own organizations

スピーカー / Speakers
Jez Humble (Continuous Delivery、The DevOps HANDBOOK 共著者)
Sam Guckenheimer (Product Owner, Azure DevOps)
Call for Speakers 登壇者の募集
We’re looking for a mix of technical and cultural talks that relate to the central conference themes.
Deadline for posting : The registration has ended this year.
投稿の締切: 本年度の受付は終了致しました。
Language / 言語
Although Japanese will be the primary language of the conference, we we’re striving for about half of the talks to be in English.
Submitting a Talk
To submit a talk, please use the sessionize site: https://sessionize.com/devopsdays-tokyo-2020/
This site is an alternative for people familiar with ConfEngine that we used for 3 years. We are also gathering proposals at sessionize. You can choose either sites to submit your proposal. We will see all session proposals in both sites, fairly. No need to submit proposals on both sites.
Sites / 募集サイトについて
本イベントは Confengine と Sessionize でも登壇者を募集しております。ご応募いただく方が使い慣れているツールを使えるように、二つのサイトで募集をしております。どちらか片方で応募いただければ、もう片方で応募いただく必要はございません。また、どちらのサイトでご応募いただいても、セッションの採否に影響はございません。